Townsend Planning Consultants seek to provide a high quality tailormade service for our clients. We cover a wide range of planning matters including (although not limited to):-
Planning Appraisals;
Planning Applications and negotiations with the Local Planning Authorities;
Planning Appeals;
Representations on Emerging Development Plans (both in support and objections);
Representation at Emerging Local Plan Hearing Sessions;
Enforcement Advice and Appeals;
Permitted Development Advice;
Formal Instructions to Counsel and Planning Solicitors;
Production of Planning Support Statements, Design and Access Statements and Statements of Significance/Hertiage Statements;
Certificate of Lawful Development Applications (both for proposed and existing uses/buildings); and
Prior Notification Applications (including agricultural; domestic extensions; and outbuildings; and renewable energy).
Our expertise is across the whole spectrum of planning and includes the following:-
Residential (from single dwellings to large scale residential development);
Commercial and Business Development (including retail/industrial/town centre uses/offices);